In this blog, I wanted to spotlight the health benefits of the pineapple.

health benefits of pineapple

Pineapples are a tropical fruit that have been enjoyed by various cultures for centuries because of their delightful flavor and medicinal properties. Many people enjoy pineapples because they have a sweet taste and a crisp texture. Pineapples pack a punch when it comes to nutrition too and provide a bunch of nutrients your body needs and craves. They also contain fiber, which aids in digestion and helps prevent constipation.

Some nutrients found in pineapples include:

  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin K
  • Niacin
  • Vitamin B6
  • Potassium
  •  Zinc
  • Copper
  • Iron
  • Manganese
  • Calcium
  • Phosphorus

Pineapples also contain the enzyme bromelain, which works like a “super hero” for the body, as it helps reduce inflammation, inhibits tumor growth, alleviates joint pain, arthritis and more.¹ Pineapples have other health benefits too.

Health Benefits Of Pineapples

Boost Immunity
Like clementines, oranges and strawberries, pineapples are rich in vitamin C, which helps build your immune system and keeps your body healthy. In fact, a cup of pineapple contains your entire day’s worth of vitamin C, which your body needs to function at an optimal level. Vitamin C helps boost your white blood cell count, which helps reduce the onset of various illnesses. Vitamin C also helps your body absorb iron better. That’s why eating plenty of iron-rich foods, such as pineapple is important.  If you have an iron deficiency, or suffer with iron deficiency anemia, your doctor will most likely will recommend taking a vitamin C supplement, or eating fruits that contain vitamin C, along with it for optimum absorbency.

Good Treatment For Colds And Cough
The bromelain in pineapples helps reduce mucus in the throat and nose, thus helping to prevent coughing and the on-set of colds. The vitamin C found in pineapples also helps strengthen your immune system, so consuming pineapples and other vitamin C rich foods aids in the prevention of colds. Make sure you include plenty of fruit and vegetables in your diet to fight off viruses, especially during the winter months, when colds and flu are more prevalent.

Helps Prevent Cancer
Pineapples are loaded with antioxidants that help protect your body and fight off the damaging affects of free radicals that can damage your cells and lead to various types of cancer.  They also contain various enzymes, which studies have shown can help shrink and kill cancer cells. Talk about an ounce of prevention and I can’t think of a better way to fight cancer than eating something that is sweet and appealing to your taste buds.

Reduces Inflammation
If you suffer from arthritis or joint pain, eating pineapple is a must. That’s because pineapples contain bromelain, which is a miracle worker, when it comes to inflammation, as it helps reduce swelling.  Bromelain also helps alleviate symptoms of sinusitis and colitis and may help speed recovery from various surgical procedures. Make sure to add pineapple to your diet for all of its healing properties.

Eye Health
While eating carrots is good for eye health, eating pineapple and other fruit is also important. In fact, pineapples have been shown to help reduce the risk of macular degeneration, which affects many people as they age because of its antioxidant properties and high content of vitamin C.

Ways to Include Pineapple In Your Diet

Many people enjoy pineapples as a sweet treat, or snack. Pineapples can also be eaten for breakfast, enjoyed alone, added to yogurt, smoothies, or baked goods. You can also add them to stir fries or any number of side dishes. Some people like to juice pineapple, as well. Try adding pineapple to green juice or another favorite juice variety. You can also use pineapple as  as a garnish for drinks.

Thanks for reading!



¹ LD, Megan Ware RDN. “Pineapple: Health Benefits, Recipes, Health Risks.” Medical News Today, MediLexicon International, 6 Jan. 2017,

² Babcock, Jillian. “Nutrition & Health Benefits of Pineapple, Plus Recipes!” Dr. Axe, Dr. Axe, 5 Jan. 2018,