In this blog, I wanted to spotlight the health benefits of lemons.

Lemons are a popular citrus fruit that are enjoyed by many people. That’s not surprising, given they have a crisp, refreshing taste and are good for you. Lemons contain a host of beneficial nutrients, which have medicinal affects on the body. Like oranges and clementine’s, lemons are loaded with vitamin C and other antioxidants, which your body needs for optimum well-being. Some nutrients found in lemons include vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin B6, niacin, calcium, folate, potassium, magnesium, fiber, zinc and copper. Lemons also contain iron, which is especially important for those who are iron deficient or suffer with iron deficiency anemia. Lemons have numerous other health benefits, as well.

Health Benefits Of Lemons

Detoxifies the Body
Lemons stimulate the liver and can help dissolve uric acid in the body, which can sometimes build up. Many people like to drink a glass of lemon water in the morning to help remove toxins from the body. Lemon juice also helps to dissolve gallstones, calcium deposits, and kidney stones, when consumed on a regular basis.

Helps With Weight Loss:
There are a number of theories why lemons may help with weight loss, yet no one theory has been proven. It may be the fact that lemons help detoxify the body, thus making it function better. Drinking water is also a much better option than drinking juice or soda, which contain empty calories and sugar. Many people swear by drinking a glass of warm water with honey and lemon in the morning. It not only is low in calories and sugar, but helps provide a welcome boost of energy to help get your day going.

Helps Build Immunity:
Lemons are rich in vitamin C, which is beneficial in the fight against cold and flu symptoms. It helps fight off infections and other illnesses too. Lemons are also high in antioxidants and help protect your body from the damaging affects of free radicals.

Helps Fight Cancer:
Studies show that lemons help prevent cancer. In fact, “a 2014 study published in BioMed Research International found that essential oils in citrus fruit, such as lemons, can help protect against certain types of cancer.”1  Lemons have Limonoids, which are organic substances that determine their sweet and bitter tastes. Limonoids have been shown to protect cells from damage, thus helping to protect against cancer cell formation.

Helps With Iron Absorption
Iron is an important mineral for your body and is needed for the production of hemoglobin, which helps carry oxygen to your body. While lemons themselves contain iron, they also can help aid in the overall absorption of iron in the body. That’s because they are high in vitamin C and combining vitamins C with iron and iron-rich foods helps your body absorb iron more efficiently.

If you have an iron deficiency, or suffer with iron deficiency anemia, your doctor will most likely will recommend taking a vitamin C supplement, or eating a citrus fruit, such as oranges or lemons along with it for optimum absorbency.

Ways To Include Lemons In Your Diet

Lemon Water

lemon water
Many people enjoy lemon water and like to add a slice of lemon or the juice from a lemon to add a little citrus flavor. The lemon juice not only adds a refreshing taste, but also helps boost your energy, improves your immunity and helps with detoxification. Drinking lemon water is a great way to add a little extra vitamin C in your diet, as well as up your potassium intake.


lemon ade
Lemonade is a refreshing, vitalizing drink that many people enjoy in the summertime. While many people use sugar to make lemonade, you can also use alternate sweeteners such as honey or stevia to sweeten the taste. Regardless which sweetener you use, lemonade is most likely a better choice than drinking other sugary drinks.


Lemons can add a unique, zesty flavor to any dish are great for cooking and baking.  Try adding more lemon when making a stir-fry, grilled fish, baked salmon, pasta and more.

Why not add a little zing to your baked goods? Lemons provide a sweet, tangy taste and many people enjoy them in bread, muffins, cheesecake, cookies and more. Feel free to experiment by adding a little lemon zest in a favorite recipe you like to change it up a little.

Thanks for reading!



¹”What Is the Benefit of Eating Whole , Fresh Lemons?” Healthy Eating | SF Gate,

³Link, Rachael. “A Fruit That Enhances Immunity, Skin Health & Weight Loss?” Dr. Axe, 14 Jan. 2018,