In this blog I wanted to spotlight the health benefits of the sweet potato. Sweet potatoes are a sweet, starchy root vegetable that are popular around the world. Although they have a shared name, sweet potatoes are only remotely related to the standard potato. While they do have a similar texture, sweet potatoes are much sweeter. Sweet potatoes come in a variety of shapes and sizes and are considered root tubers, meaning they store water and other nutrients under ground, which in turn nourish the actual plant. Like beets, sweet potatoes are an extremely nutritious vegetable and are loaded with a variety of antioxidants and nutrients that are good for your body. It’s no wonder they are enjoyed by many people, especially this time of year. Some nutrients found in sweet potatoes include vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B6, potassium, manganese, copper and niacin. Sweet potatoes are also high in fiber and protein. Sweet potatoes have other health benefits and medicinal properties, as well. 

Health Benefits of Sweet Potatoes

Helps Promote Gut Health

Sweet potatoes are rich in fiber and contain both the insoluble and soluble type. The insoluble fiber found in sweet potatoes adds bulk and helps aid in the digestion process. The soluble fiber helps absorb water and helps promote regularity. Fiber in general makes you feel full longer, so it may help with weight loss for some individuals. Sweet potatoes are also high in antioxidants and contain a variety of nutrients that promote good bacteria in the gut and help create a healthy microbiome.

Helps Promote Good Eye Sight

Sweet potatoes may help promote good eye sight. Sweet potatoes are rich in a variety of antioxidants, including the carotenoids, beta carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin, which are important for good eye health. Sweet potatoes are also rich in vitamin A and vitamin C, which help protect your eyes from the damaging ultra violet rays of the sun. Besides the orange sweet potatoes, other varieties of sweet potatoes also include nutrients that are beneficial to eyesight.

May Help Protect Against Cancer

Sweet potatoes are high in antioxidants and other nutrients that may help to deter certain types of cancer. In fact, some studies have found sweet potatoes beneficial for treating bladder, colon, stomach and other cancer types. That’s because sweet potatoes contain certain compounds, specifically anthocyanins, that help prevent tumor growth. Make sure you add plenty of bright colored vegetables to your diet, including sweet potatoes to help prevent cancer and other illnesses.

May Help Boost Immunity

Sweet potatoes are useful in helping your body build immunity. That’s because sweet potatoes are rich in vitamin C and vitamin A. Most people know that vitamin C helps with colds and flu and many people turn to citrus fruits and supplements to get more. Sweet potatoes are a good source of vitamin C, as well and can help prevent colds, repair tissues and help with wound healing. Sweet potatoes are also incredibly high in vitamin A, which is paramount in establishing and keeping a healthy immune system. Vitamin A is needed for good gut health and helps prevent gut inflammation too. Make sure you include plenty of orange fruit and vegetables in your diet, such as sweet potatoes to ensure you are getting plenty of vitamin A for a healthy gut and immune system.

Thanks for reading!


P. S. If you are interested in reading more about healthful eating and living a healthy lifestyle, you might want to check out my book, Wholey Cow A Simple Guide To Eating And Living.


¹Ocean Robbins. “Are Sweet Potatoes Good for You? Everything You Need to Know.” Food Revolution Network, 12 Aug. 2019,

2Julson, Erica. “6 Surprising Benefits of Sweet Potatoes.”, 2019,″.