In this blog, I wanted to spotlight the health benefits of parsnips.

Parsnips are a tasty root vegetable that are abundant this time of year. Although they have been around for thousands of years, they are not as popular as some other varieties of root vegetables. Parsnips are a neutral toned vegetable and are cream in color. Parsnips have a look and shape similar to carrots, but are typically bigger and are not as bright or sweet. While parsnips may look more like a carrot, they taste more like a potato and have a slightly sweet, nutty flavor. Many people enjoy parsnips because they have a unique taste and have a variety of health benefits. Parsnips are loaded with antioxidants and nutrients that are good for your body, including vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin B6, magnesium, and folate. They are also rich in protein and low in calories. Parsnips have other health benefits, as well. 

Health Benefits of Parsnips

Helps With Digestion

Parsnips are rich in both soluble and insoluble fiber, which aids in the digestion process. Fiber rich foods including root vegetables and cruciferous vegetables add bulk to your diet and help make you feel full longer. They also help create good bacteria and promote a healthy gut. Additionally, they help prevent acid reflux, diverticulitis, ulcers and other stomach problems. Parsnips are also low in calories, so may be beneficial for weight loss.

Helps Promote Immunity

Parsnips are high in vitamin C, which is known to boost the immune system. It is well know that vitamin C plays a big role in fighting off colds and flu, especially during the winter. That is why it is important to include a variety of food in your diet that contains vitamin C. Parsnips are also high in other antioxidants that help prevent other ailments such as pneumonia and other inflammatory disease. 

Good For Heart Health

Parsnips are good for heart health. Parsnips are rich in folate, which is known to help reduce homocysteine levels in the blood., which are typically associated with a greater risk of heart disease. Parsnips may also help prevent stroke and other coronary type problems. Make sure you include plenty of root vegetables and other vegetables in your diet to promote a healthy heart.

Thanks for reading!



¹Staughton, John. “20 Incredible Benefits of Parsnips.” Organic Facts, 21 Dec. 2019,

2Link, Rachel. “6 Nutrition and Health Benefitws of Parsnips.” Healthline, Nutrition and Health Benefits of Parsnips