In this blog post, I wanted to share a recipe for some coconut whipped cream.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve always liked whipped cream. In fact, I like to add it to my chai tea in the morning.

While many people purchase Redi Wip because it is convenient and quite tasty, keep in mind it is a processed food that contains sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and more. It also has some questionable ingredients like carrageenan, that really are not good for you, which you should try to avoid. I’m not saying I never use the stuff because I have and do, but I came across a recipe on Pinterest for some coconut whipped cream that I really like.  It is better and healthier for you too and contains some healthy fats (MUFAS).  I started making it earlier this year, after my daughter gave me an Isis Whipped Cream Dispenser in January for my birthday.

I love it and this particular recipe works great in it! You can find one on Amazon, or some other department stores, if you are interested in buying one.

Here is the recipe…

Coconut Whipped Cream
  • 1-14 ounce can of full fat, unsweetened coconut milk chilled in the refrigerator overnight. (I used Whole Foods 365 organic brand, but you can use other brands.)
  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil, gently melted
  • 1-1/2 teaspoons of high-quality vanilla extract
  • 1/4 cup of pure maple syrup
    (or to make it with less sugar and use 1/4 tsp. to 1/2 tsp. stevia extract. This is how I make it. Play around with the amount of stevia and add to your taste. Feel free to add more, or less. )


To make the whipped cream, whisk together all the ingredients in a mixer for several minutes, until well mixed. It should be thicker like a mousse, but still a little runny.  Pour the mixture in the whipped cream dispenser, carefully following the instructions. Place the dispenser in the refrigerator to use later, or gently shake and dispense on your favorite fruit, in your tea, or special dessert. It is quite tasty and my dogs love this version too!

Just a little dab for the boys! They love it too and always seem to end up with some on their nose.

Note: This mixture can also be chilled and then gently whipped for a soft, creamy “mousse” as well, if you don’t have an whipped cream dispenser.

