These days we are hearing more and more negative news on TV, social media and elsewhere online. Unfortunately, too many people are soaking it up like a sponge and it’s causing unnecessary stress. It is understandable that people want to stay informed and are concerned about their health, but somehow we need to turn all this negativity around to stay uplifted.
I know it is easy to get caught up in negative thinking when we are constantly being bombarded with pessimism by the media. The problem is negative thinking can escalate. The next thing you know people are thinking fearful thoughts, panicking and stocking up on unnecessary items, which makes others worry and stressed out as well.
The good news is you can change your attitude and thinking. Your attitude has a tremendous affect on how you feel, as well your health. In fact, staying positive, optimistic and upbeat can influence your outlook and can be quite powerful. Brian Tracy, International Speaker and Author, tells us healthy, happy people are positive and that some of the most successful people think positive outcomes and happy thoughts all day long.¹ When you think and talk positively, you naturally feel happier and send out positive vibes to others.

Use Affirmations To Stay Positive
One way to stay positive is to practice affirmations. If you are not familiar with affirmations, they are positive statements that help overcome negative thinking and can help change your thought patterns. For example, the next time you hear the latest health scare, instead of telling yourself, “Everyone is getting sick,” try saying, “I am healthy. I am making conscious choices to live a healthy life style.” This gives your negative thought a different spin and helps alleviate stress and anxiety. It also helps eliminate additional negativity. Moreover, it sends your body feel-good vibes, which promote healing. When you repeat something consistently, you start to believe it, and that is where change takes place. Your mind believes what you’re telling it and your body naturally responds in a positive way. It’s really a matter of turning something around from negative to positive and allows you to be proactive in situations rather than being reactive.
Another way to stay positive is to follow up your affirmations with action. If you are affirming you are making conscious choices to live a healthy lifestyle, then by all means, take action! Find some healthy recipes and head to the grocery store to get the items you need. You can also add a daily walk to your routine or some other activity you enjoy. By taking action you eliminate fear and help create a sense of well-being. This holds true in any aspect of your life and having a positive attitude is one of the most important things you can do to stay healthy.
Thanks for reading!
¹”Transform Your Life With The Power of Positive Thinking.” Brian Tracys Blog Transform Your Life With The Power of Positive Thinking Comments. N.p., 23 Feb. 2016. Web. 04 Apr. 2016.