In this blog, I wanted to spotlight the health benefits of squash. Squash is one of those foods that is prevalent in the fall and is considered a comfort food. Like pumpkins and zucchini, butternut squash grows on vines and is in the winter squash family. There are dozens of varieties of squash and is one of the largest groups of foods. Squash have been around for centuries. In fact, their origin can be traced back some 10,000 years. Squash has been a staple food since early civilization and contains many health benefits. Some nutrients found in squash include vitamin A, vitamin E, copper, magnesium and calcium. They also are rich in iron, which is especially important for those suffering with iron deficiency or iron deficiency anemia. Squash has many other nutritional benefits, as well.

Health Benefits Of Squash

health benefits of squash

Good For Digestion

Squash is rich in fiber and other healthy nutrients that aid in the digestion process. Most diseases begin in the gut, so it is important to feed your body foods that benefit and support your overall health. Eating squash in the fall and winter months, can help your body to stay healthy, when colds and flu are more prevalent. Try adding squash to a salad or make yourself a healthy soup. You can also saute or bake squash with a little olive oil, salt and pepper or add another favorite seasoning. Squash can be added to spaghetti, stews or other entrees, as well.

Helps Decrease Inflammation

Squash has anti-inflammatory affects that are beneficial for both arthritis and gout. Studies show squash are helpful for gastric issues of the stomach including duodenal and gastric ulcers. They are beneficial for other types of body inflammation, as well. That’s because squash contains omega-3 fatty acids and carotenoids like lutein, zeaxanthin, and beta-carotene.

Prevents Anemia

Squash is good source of iron for the body and contains approximately 60 mg of iron per 10 grams of serving. That’s a generous amount and can help ward off iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia. Eating iron-rich foods is important for everyone to help maintain healthy levels of hemoglobin, adequate red blood cells and proper iron storage in the body.

Promotes Healthy Vision

Squash is loaded with vitamin A, which helps promotes eye health. Squash contains beta-carotene, an antioxidant that protects the eyes from oxidation damage and free radicals. It also helps prevent macular degeneration. Eating squash regularly can help prevent other eye issues too, such as cataracts and glaucoma.

Good For Bone Health

Your body needs a variety of vitamins and minerals to develop healthy bones and squash hits the mark on nutrients. Squash contains a number of trace elements including zinc, calcium and manganese all of which provide strength to your bones. This combination, plus of other plentiful nutrients found in squash also helps prevent osteoporosis.

Thanks for reading!



¹ “11 Amazing Health Benefits of Squash.” Natural Food Series, 27 July 2018,

² “7 Amazing Benefits of Squash.” Organic Facts, 11 May 2018,