In this blog, I wanted to spotlight the health benefits of black beans. I don’t know about you, but I really like black beans. Black beans are a hearty food that provide both substance and flavor. They are also quite versatile and can be used in a variety of dishes. Black beans also provide an array of health benefits.

Black beans are a staple in the diet of many people around the world. That’s because they are plentiful and are relatively cheap. Black beans are also loaded with nutrients your body needs. Like chick peas, kidney beans and other legumes, black beans are loaded with fiber, so they help aid in the digestion process. They also are a good source of amino acids, which help form protein in your body. In addition, they are loaded with a variety of vitamins and minerals that have medicinal properties for your body. Some nutrients found in black beans include protein, folate, magnesium, phosphorous, manganese and copper. They also contain a good amount of iron, which your plays a vital role in your well being. Iron is an important part of hemoglobin, the protein needed to transport oxygen throughout your body. If your body lacks iron, it can’t produce healthy red blood cells. Black beans have numerous other health benefits, as well.

Health Benefits Of Black Beans

Helps Provide Lasting Energy

Black Beans and other legumes contain a complex carbohydrate, known as starch. Starchy vegetables digest slowly and give your body a consistent flow of energy. Black beans are also a low glycemic food, meaning they don’t cause your blood sugar levels to spike, like other simple carbohydrates can.

Good Protein Source

Black beans are rich in protein and are a good plant-based protein source. Your body needs protein to build muscle, and keep you strong. Protein also helps provide needed energy for your body. Black beans are part of many diets and enjoyed by many cultures. In fact, black beans and other legumes are a staple in many Blue Zone areas. For a hearty meal, many cultures combine black beans with a variety of other vegetables and rice.

Helps Prevent Cancer:

Black beans contain flavanoids, which contain phytonutrient pigments that work like antioxidants. These flavanoids help fight off free radicals and work to prevent illness, including cancer. Why not add more black beans to your diet for an ounce of prevention?

Helps With Heart Health:

Many people today are concerned about their heart health and are interested in ways to prevent heart disease. Fortunately there are many foods that you can eat to protect your heart, including black beans. Black beans have a high concentration of antioxidants, which help fight inflammation. They are also high in phytonutrients, including flavanoids, which help to control lipid metabolism and aids in cholesterol excretion.¹  Beans are also high in fiber, which has been shown to help reduce cardiovascular disease by keeping cholesterol levels balanced.

Thanks for reading!


P. S. If you are interested in reading more about healthful eating and living a healthy lifestyle, you might want to check out my book, Wholey Cow A Simple Guide To Eating And Living, which is available on Amazon. Click here for a FREE Chapter.


¹Levy, Jillian. “Black Beans Nutrition, Health Benefits & Recipes.” Dr. Axe, 1 Feb. 2019,

2“7 Important Benefits of Black Beans.” Organic Facts, 8 Mar. 2019,