I just got back from a little fun in the sun vacation, which was refreshing.


Our winters in Minnesota can be long and drawn out, so I am grateful for the time away. It was nice to feel the warm sun and get in a little rest and relaxation. I also enjoyed some foods I don’t normally eat, although indulging from time to time can actually be a good thing. In fact, in my book, Wholey Cow A Simple Guide To Eating And Living, I talk about how following an 80/20 diet can give you a healthy mindset for eating. Many people beat themselves up when they get off track and eat the wrong foods. Yet—if you eat healthy the majority of the time, you should feel good about yourself.

80/20 Diet

What’s an 80/20 Diet?

An 80/20 Diet involves eating healthy whole foods, including lots of vegetables, good fats and protein 80 percent of the time. This way of eating gives you a little lee-way, so you can still have a slice of pizza you love from time to time. No body is perfect and allowing yourself some food that you enjoy on occasion takes away that sense of deprivation,  you may feel with some diets. It is funny, but feeling deprived can sometimes cause you to crave foods that you want to avoid. That is why it is ok to allow yourself a treat now and again. You can also feel comfortable going to a restaurant over the weekend with friends or choosing some foods you don’t normally eat on vacation.

Tips To Stay the course

Following an 80/20 diet is really more of an approach to healthy eating, than a diet. The key to this healthy life-style is to stay the course. Following are a few tips to follow the 80/20 Diet for a healthy mindset for eating:

  • Be Careful Of Over Doing It—While a few french fries or chocolate chip cookie is fine here or there, make sure don’t take it too far. The idea is to see it as a treat and not get over zealous. It is important to keep portion sizes in check too.
  • Know What Foods are Healthy—Fill your plate with healthy, whole foods including vegetables, fruit, protein and whole grains. Remember that a portion of meat should be the size of your fist.
  • Read The Food Labels—Choose food products that have a short list of ingredients. Shoot for 5 ingredients or less when possible. Choose foods that don’t have added sugar, hydrogenated oil or a lot of chemicals and preservatives.
  • Don’t Forget to Exercise—While eating a healthy diet is important, don’t forget your body requires movement. You should include some sort of moderate exercise in your life. Make sure you find some type of exercise you enjoy and make a habit of doing it.
  • Keep a Food Journal—Keeping a food journal will help you track your food and your progress. It’s also a great way to discover how foods affect you. Additionally—you can track your cravings and treats.

Thanks for reading!
