Summer is just around the corner. I can’t wait for the warmer weather to arrive. We’ve had a cool, wet spring in Minnesota, so I am anxious to get outside more and enjoy some summertime activities. There’s so much to do and experience. Anyway—I thought I would share a few ways to help create a healthy summer with you.
5 Ways To have A Healthy Summer

- Practice Mindfulness—You’ve probably been told at one time or another, to slow down and be more mindful. Unfortunately, we live in a fast-paced society where many people are on the go and always trying to a variety of tasks. Unfortunately, when we focus on too many things, it is hard to be present. While it is easy to get caught up with the busyness of life, taking time to smell the roses is invaluable. Why not take some time this summer to stare at the ducks on a pond or something else out in nature that is calming? You can also try a meditation practice. Meditation is calming and relaxing to both the mind and body. It also helps ease stress and anxiety. Why not set aside 5-10 minutes of your day to give it a try? It is always best to start out slow and build from their. Some people like to start their day with a morning meditation, as it helps set the tone for day. Others may prefer to sit quietly in the evening before bed to help calm their mind before sleep. It really doesn’t matter what time you choose. The point is to make an effort to find a peaceful feeling and become more mindful of the present.
- Make Small Changes—If you are looking to make some changes to your diet, summer is a great time start. Fruit and vegetables make up a big part of healthy diet and are plentiful in the summer months. They are also more readily available. Why not start out by trying to add a few more of them to your diet. It is best not to change things up too drastically, but rather make a few changes at a time. In fact, studies show that making slow steady changes to your eating habits is much more effective and beneficial to you health, than going on some fad diet or restrictive type plan. If you make small consistent changes in your eating habits, you are much more likely to stick with the changes and sustain them.
- Create A Home Haven—While I love going up to the lake in the summer, not everyone has a cabin or that opportunity. The good news is that you can create a unique space in your home and make it your home haven. It’s always nice to have a space to unwind and relax where you can enjoy time alone. You can also share your space with others. If you have a porch area, why not spruce it up and make it more inviting? Porches are a great place to sit and relax and enjoy a peaceful evening. You can also create a quiet space in a bedroom or make an empty room into a reading room or meditation area. Oh—and let’s not forget about your back yard. Many people love to sit in their back yards in the summer time. Why plant some extra flowers, add some new landscaping or purchase some new outdoor furniture to create a home sanctuary? Back yards can be a great place to enjoy a little nature, listen to the birds, enjoy some wind chimes and more.
- Mix Up Your Exercise—Summer is a great time to mix up your exercise routine. It”s easy to get caught up in a routine over the winter, but unfortunately your body can adapt to doing the same old stuff over time. You can actually end up burning less calories and building less muscle doing the same old stuff. That is why it is always best to mix things up. Why not add some new activities in? Summer is a great time to get your bike out or dust off those roller blades and go for a spin. You can also get out golfing. Why not head over to the golf range to practice your swing or just make your way to the course? Additionally, you can take a nature walk, go kayaking or take the kids to play some mini golf. There are plenty of different ways to change up your exercise routine and stay active outdoors.
- Visit A Farmers Market—I don’t know about you, but I love the fresh produce that summer brings.It’s abundant this time of year and there’s so much to enjoy! The fresh fruit and vegetables always taste better and are also less expensive during the summer months. Why not stop by a local farmers market and stock up? Farmers markets generally offer an array of seasonal produce including: fresh greens, watermelon, peppers, squash, tomatoes, asparagus, strawberries and more. Some farmers sell other items too like eggs, honey, wild rice and flowers. Others offer baked goods, pickles crafts and more. Farmers markets can be found across the country and a provide a way to support your local farmers.
Thanks for reading!
P. S. If you are interested in reading more about healthful eating and living a healthy lifestyle, you might want to check out my book, Wholey Cow A Simple Guide To Eating And Living. Click here to learn more or purchase.