It’s hard to believe it’s the end of October already and Halloween at that! I’m not sure if I’m ready for the change in the weather or the witches, ghosts and goblins. I don’t know about you, but I am not a big fan of the cooler temperatures or Halloween for that matter. Don’t get me wrong, as a kid, I looked forward to Halloween and enjoyed walking the neighborhood streets and the free hand outs. I also enjoyed seeing my kids all dressed up for Halloween when they were little. As the years have gone by however, I’ve grown to like it less. If you think about it, the whole concept of dressing in costumes and going door to door to receive candy is a little strange, isn’t it? Not to mention, we all seem to get our fill of sugar, as sugar is included in almost everything that is processed these days, including candy. Sugar is also masked under dozens of different names, which is kind of scary.

Speaking of scary stuff…
The other week I was on an airplane headed to Austin, Texas for a Juice Plus conference to learn more about the company and products. I am not a big fan of flying, but everything seemed to fall in place for this trip. I was comfortably seated in my aisle seat, reading and relaxing, when I noticed the boy sitting next to me indulging in a bag of candy bars. At first I didn’t think too much about it, as I figured he’s enjoying a little treat and on vacation with his family. As the flight attendant stopped by our section to see if we wanted something to drink and a snack, I noticed he’d pretty much finished the whole bag. He ordered a soda pop and opted for the cookies instead of almonds that were offered. A little while later, his sister, who was sitting in front of him, handed him a bag of Skittles to top it all off. I thought to myself, “Wholey Cow! That’s a lot of sugar to consume in a few hours, especially for a young kid.”
Thank goodness it was just about time to land, as my stomach was beginning to tighten thinking about it all. I was grateful I would be spending the next few days with a bunch of people who were interested in eating better and living a healthy life-style. The conference included a variety of speakers, including a number of professional athletes who shared their stories and how Juice Plus made a difference in their overall well-being and lives. It’s amazing what adding an optimal number of nutrients to your diet can do for your health, and Juice Plus does just that, by providing over 30 fruit and vegetables in capsule form.
I also had the opportunity to listen to Jay Martin, President and founder of Juice Plus, who talked a little about how Juice Plus came about, his vision, and potential for the company and representatives, which I really liked. The truth is, we all have potential when it comes to our health and we can all do better, by choosing the right foods and staying active. Eating a healthy diet is the best way to give your body the vitamins and minerals it needs to function optimally and some of the best sources of these powerful nutrients come fruit, vegetables and whole foods.
Following are a few other things we can do to up our potential for health, using Jay Martin’s acronym, POTENTIAL:
P=Products: When it comes to grocery shopping, there are a lot of products to choose from. Make sure you choose more whole foods, including plenty of fruit and vegetables. When buying processed foods, look for those products with the least amount of ingredients. Shoot for 5 ingredients, or less, when possible.
O=Opportunity: We all have the opportunity to make conscious choices to choose healthier items when out grocery shopping or eating at a restaurant.
T=Teaching: We all have the potential to share what we learn. If you come across a good, healthy recipe, why not share it your friends or family? You can also share cooking tips, tricks and more with others.
E=Enthusiasm: People are attracted to the positive energy of others. If you are having a good day, make sure you share your enthusiasm with others with your smile, your gestures and kind words. Positive vibes create more positive vibes.
N=Now: Don’t put off your potential for good health. Now is the time to start eating healthier and exercising more.
T=Teamwork: Work together. When possible, have your spouse or kids help prepare meals. From grocery lists, shopping and meal preparation, everyone can chip in to help make a healthy meal.
I=Image: Keep a positive body image. Focus on what you like and not dislike.
A=Attitude: Keep a positive attitude and mindset on health. Focus on your daily wins and not the scale.
L=Love: Having healthy relationships is important for overall health and can play a significant role in how you feel. When you have healthy interactions with others and place importance on them, you naturally feel better,
Thanks for reading and have a Healthy Halloween!