Sometimes You Have To Make Your Own Sunshine…

I don’t know about you, but I start to get a little down when I haven’t seen the sun in a few days. If you live in Minnesota, like I...

Recipe: Chocolate Cream Caramel Bars

Here’s a good recipe I came across on Pinterest that I made for Thanksgiving. It combines the taste of  chocolate and caramel together wonderfully and is pretty tasty. It also has some...

Why Put Off Tomorrow What You Can Do Today?

We’ve all heard the saying, “Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today,” but how many of you really live by it? My guess is that while we...

Recipe: Chicken & Broccoli Bow Tie Pasta With Walnuts & Sage

Here’s a recipe I made a few days ago. It is fairly easy to make, contains some healthy vegetables and is quite tasty. Give it a try if you like...

5 Reasons to Add Avocados To Your Diet…

Ah avocados! They are one of nature’s finest fruits. I’ve always thought of them as a vegetable, but they actually are considered a large berry and are bursting with healthy nutrients...

Paleo Pumpkin Bars

Here’s a tasty pumpkin recipe I tried over the weekend. It is pretty easy to make and is lower in sugar than some other recipes. It is also gluten and dairy...

Use Morning Rituals To Unstick Your Life…

We’ve all heard the saying, “I’m stuck in a rut,” but how many of you have experienced the feeling? I’m pretty sure everyone has, at least one time or another,...

Recipe: Spinach & Garbonzo Bean Salad

Here’s a good recipe to try. I tasted something similar at a deli and decided to try and replicate it. It is easy to make, healthy and quite tasty. Spinach &...

The Sun Is Always Shining Behind The Clouds… 

I was outside walking this morning and just had to take a picture of the sky. The clouds were pretty cool looking and the sun looked like it was just...

Read Those Food Labels…

When it comes to processed foods, most people are aware that they aren’t always the healthiest choice, but many consumers buy them anyway because they are convenient to make, eat,...